Develop your personality and professional identity as scientist and make a difference!
You are a scientist that aims high and wants to make an impact?
With my work I support you to:
find more time and focus for your research as well as your private life
be more visible and successful as a scientist by publishing more and better papers and being perceived as an expert in your field
rediscover the love for your job and accomplish all of your tasks with ease
About me
Scientist, Writing Coach and Academic Personality Developer
I am Christina Sichtmann. For over 20 years I have been an academic researching and teaching in the fields of Marketing, Empirical Methods and Academic Writing with current affiliations and teaching jobs at the University of Vienna, the University of Applied Sciences Bern, the University of Lucerne, the IÉSEG School of Management and the University of Würzburg.
I know the challenges and the inner turmoil of modern scientists.
Ten years ago, I struggled with the multi-task environment of a job that requires focus and deep work. Motherhood just added a whole other level to the challenge. Eventually, I suffered the mental consequences of being under tremendous pressure and getting rejected by journals and a tenured job.
I broke, my body demanded from me to slow down. Which, in retrospect, was the best thing that happened to me.
I was forced to ask myself the important questions which led me to re-invent myself. I changed the style and the focus of my life to align my passion for work with the space that I needed for myself and my family.
The impact the changes I made had on my personal well-being and my professional success has been nothing short of astonishing for me. I now lead a different life that is aligned with my potential and my personal goals.
This is why today I follow my desire to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow scientists so that they too can regain focus and clarity about their life’s priorities and live by them.
Step by step, I will show you ways how to find concentration for creative work within the multi-task environment of our time. I teach you to become better and more efficient writers.
I am no snowflake. If I can, you too can be a scientist AND a happy human.
With your personal growth you change the world!
My academic career
In my academic career I am a marketing scientist. I focus on consumers’ preferences for global and/or local brands. And I research service encounters where the customer and/or the service employee belong to different cultures. I teach not only marketing but also empirical methods and academic writing. I am an expert for quantitative methods, especially Structural Equation Modelling.
since 2008: University of Vienna, Austria (assistant professor from 2008-2014, since 2014: Associate Professor, part time)
since 2021: University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland (part time)
University of Lucerne, visiting professor
IÉSEG School of Management, visiting professor
University of Würzburg, visiting professor
University of Applied Sciences Wien, FH
Former affiliations:
2005-2008: Juniorprofessor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
2001-2005: PhD student, University of Hohenheim, Germany
2002: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Visiting Researcher
1995-2000: Studies of Economics and Business, University of Hohenheim, Germany
1998-1999: Studies of Economics and Business, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Visiting professor at MODUL University Vienna, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria), IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Frankfurt School of Finance, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart, University of Applied Sciences Pforzheim
Back-to-Research Grant, University of Vienna
Best Conference Papers, Consortium for International Marketing Research (CIMaR) 2015, Internationaler Markentag 2012, Track „Marketing Research Methods“ Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science 2008, Conference on Business Market Management 2008
Fellow of the „ProFiL“ program 2007/2008 (Professionalization in Research and Teaching – Mentoring – Training – Networking“), Mentor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (PhD scholarship 2002-2005)
Rudi-Häussler-Award for outstanding scientific achievements, University of Hohenheim
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Award for outstanding study achievements at the University of Hohenheim
High Potential Program „Final Challenge 2000“, Unilever Germany
Language course scholarship, Università degli Studi di Urbino, Italy (1998)
Fellow of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (1997-2000)
Associate Editor International Marketing Review, responsible for the fields of services internationalization and global/local branding
Trusted administrator for scholarship holders in the CEE region, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Mentor and Track Chair at several international conferences (e.g., American Marketing Association (AMA) Global Marketing Special Interest Group Conference, Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business.
Refereeing for e.g., Journal of International Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Market Management, European Journal of Marketing, Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Marketing Review St. Gallen, Marketing ZfP, Review of Managerial Science, Service Business, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
You want to know more about my research?
→ Here is my Google Scholar profile.
→ And my Research Gate profile.
My qualifications as Academic Personality Developer and Writing Coach
I support you in developing your personality as a scientist and scientific author.
In 2014, after a year full of life setbacks, I was forced to re-invent myself. I changed the style and the focus of my life. I was thrilled by the impact these changes had on my personal well-being and my professional success. And I decided to expand my impact beyond my academic achievements.
I officially studied creative writing techniques and became a writing coach with the program “Training in Progress” at the writers’ studio Vienna.
I brought the focus on the “process” of writing into my academic community. At first, colleagues did not really understand what I was doing. Did not we have enough “How to publish” and “Paper Development” workshops? But, their focus is on the result of writing while many of us struggle with the process of writing – sitting down and bringing output to paper. I was not sure whether anyone would be interested in a format that talks about writing routines, techniques and blockages.
Experimentally, I developed a three-month PhD program for a German University and got the feedback from participants that this was the most effective course in their PhD career.
The Academy of International Business was innovative enough to give me a chance to offer a pre-conference workshop at their renowned Annual Meeting and we were surprised how many people showed interest in this format and about the spectacular feedback they gave.
Because an important part of my concept is the energy of writing together, I was not sure whether my concept would work online. But Corona forced me to and demand and feedback for my course formats where overwhelming.
It is not only about writing techniques and routines – I empower and help scientists to find their identity as authors that have an impact to change our world.
2013 my world fell apart. Within a year, I experienced crises in several corner pillars of my life. I struggled with the multi-task environment of a job that requires focus and deep work. I had several throwbacks as a scientist with rejections of papers and job applications. I struggled with reconciling motherhood and my job. My body broke, I had a disc prolapse, lost a child and finally had a cancer diagnosis followed by tedious therapies.
My first thought was to give up – life demanded too much from me. But then I remembered my qualities to never give up and asked myself what was in my power to improve my situation.
Goals that I set up just a few days before my diagnosis helped me to focus on the good. I studied and practiced positive psychology and mindfulness. I devoured books and online programs for self-development. I asked myself what am I passionate about and decided to devote my life to joy.
What repeatedly came up in this process was my dream to become a speaker and coach to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow scientists so that they too can regain focus and clarity about their life’s priorities and live by them.
In 2020, I took part in a program by Veit Lindau, one of Germany’s top speakers and most successful online coaching entrepreneurs to become a professional speaker.
This was followed 2021 by Veit Lindau’s LifeTrust coaching program where I deepened my knowledge and practice to become a professional coach.
I clearly see that I can improve the world by supporting scientists in their personal development so that they can focus on their research and find solutions for the many challenges that we face in the world, be inspiring teachers, cooperative colleagues, sensitive leaders and lead a happy and fulfilling life as a scientist and a private person.

A curious fact about me
During the first lockdown in spring 2020 I launched a no. 1 podcast for students on how to write a thesis. The name of the podcast is my credo – “You can do this!”.
I strongly believe in the potential of every single person. With my work as teacher and coach, I help people to develop their best-self.

That is how you can work with me:
“I want to boost my writing output - despite a busy schedule”
Learn more about my writing program How to write great papers in less time..
“I want to be more visible as a scientist - without a lot of marketing gimmicks”
Learn how to better position yourself and successfully achieve your goals.
“I want to have more impact as a female scientist - but not by sacrificing my private life”
Learn more about the Female Researcher Masterclass for female scientists.
Or you sign up to my newsletter to get writing tipps and inspirations for your growth as a scientist.