More time for research: Here's how to do it

In today's fast-paced research environment, the demands on researchers have never been greater. Between grant applications, conference presentations, manuscript submissions, and teaching responsibilities, it's no wonder that many researchers feel overwhelmed and struggle to find time for their core responsibility: conducting research. It's not uncommon to hear researchers lamenting that they have too little time to focus on their research, resorting to working evenings, weekends, and even vacations to try and catch up. In this blog post, we'll explore some strategies for carving out more time for research within the demands of a busy workday.

Step 1: Set clear priorities for you

If you frequently struggle to allocate enough time for research, it's crucial to evaluate if it's a genuine priority for you. Are you passionate about your research and committed to making progress? Or do you find yourself making excuses and putting it off?

Take just 10 minutes to sit down with a pen and paper, and start jotting down your thoughts. Be honest with yourself about whether research is truly important to you. If it's not, that's okay! You can now focus on other activities guilt-free.

However, if research is important to you, it's time to stop making excuses and start prioritizing it. By setting clear priorities, you can create more space for research in your life and make meaningful progress towards your goals. So, take the time to evaluate your priorities and commit to making research a top priority in your life.

Step 2: Become aware of your why to research

Are you finding it difficult to prioritize research in your busy schedule? Do you find yourself easily swayed by distractions and excuses, preventing you from doing research? If so, it may be time to reflect on your "why."

Understanding your reasons for pursuing research can be a powerful tool in making time for it. Without a clear sense of purpose and motivation, it can be easy to lose focus and give in to procrastination.

To begin, take a moment to reflect on why research is important to you. Is it a personal passion or a career goal? Do you want to make a difference in the world, contribute to your field, or gain recognition as an expert? Whatever your reasons may be, it's essential to keep them top of mind.

One helpful exercise is to create a visual reminder of your "why." This could be a picture, quote, or even a written statement that you can display in a prominent place as a daily reminder of your goals and motivations.

By staying connected to your reasons for prioritizing research, you can find the inspiration and drive you need to stay focused and productive. So, the next time you find yourself tempted to put off your research, remember your "why" and let it guide you towards success.

Step 3: Gain insight into how you spend your time

Have you ever found yourself saying, "I'll just quickly review this paper for a colleague," or "I'll just quickly revise these lecture slides“ only to look up and realize the entire day has disappeared? It's all too easy to lose track of time and get bogged down in low-impact tasks.

To make more time for research, you need to identify the black holes of your day. Those time-sucking tasks that leave you drained and with nothing to show for it. Think pointless meetings, endless email chains, and the infinite abyss of social media scrolling.

To gain insight into how you spend your time, try logging all of your assignments for a week and tracking how much time you spend on each task. While it may seem tedious, this exercise is a critical foundation for finding more time for important tasks like research. To get started, create a four-column sheet of paper labeled "date," "work task," "time needed," and "impact/relevance." Keep a stopwatch nearby and record each task as you start it. For now, leave the last column blank - we'll address it in Step 4.

To make this step easier, you can download a time tracker or use an electronic time tracking system like Toggl.

By gaining insight into how you spend your time, you can identify time wasters and take steps to eliminate them, ultimately creating more time for the work that matters most.

Step 4: De-clutter your to-do list of low-impact tasks

Have you ever said yes to reviewing a paper in a field unrelated to your research simply because it sounded interesting? Or perhaps you've taken on the task of evaluating a dissertation that falls outside of your area of expertise, or joined an internal committee for a new project just to demonstrate your willingness to lend a hand.

While there's nothing inherently wrong with these activities, they should not overshadow your main priority: research.

It's time to simplify your workload and create more time for research! Channel your inner Marie Kondo and declutter your schedule by letting go of tasks that don't bring you joy or contribute to your success as a researcher.

Direct your attention to the list prepared for Step 3 and shift your focus to the last column. Take the time to analyze each task on your list and assess its impact using a scale ranging from 1 (insignificant) to 5 (highly significant). Ask yourself: does this task contribute to my success, help me reach my full potential, or support a healthy work-life balance?

This step is simply about being aware of what is preventing you from focusing on your key priority: research. Consider which activities you can drop, reduce, redesign, or delegate. Only take on low-impact tasks if you truly enjoy them, can leverage your expertise, see synergies with other tasks, or can expect a high return on the time invested.

Step 5: Establish routines in your workflow

Establishing routines in your life may seem mundane and repetitive, but it can actually be a powerful tool to conserve your energy. When we have established routines, we no longer need to waste our brainpower thinking about what to do next. For instance, you don't have to think about how and when you brush your teeth, because it's become a habit for you.

By making research a regular routine, you'll no longer struggle to find time for it. You'll automatically set aside a specific time each day or week for it, and it will become a natural part of your schedule. Moreover, having other tasks, whether they're job-related or daily chores, as part of your routine can also help conserve your energy.

Here's why: every task requires energy. Even deciding whether to make a smoothie for breakfast can deplete your energy. However, if you have a routine in place, like making the same smoothie every day or deciding the night before what to have for breakfast, you're conserving your energy. And you can use that saved energy for things that truly matter to you, like research or spending time with your loved ones.

So take some time to reflect on your daily routine and identify areas where you can establish new routines that can help you save energy. Doing so can have a big impact on your overall productivity and energy levels.

Step 6: Make a concrete work plan

It's a common sentiment among scientists that we need big blocks of time for research, but in reality, short units of time can be just as effective if we have a concrete work plan. If you already know exactly what you want to work on and have formulated small units of work, you can make the most of those half-hour or hour-long windows that arise during the week.

To help you make the most of your time, I recommend developing a three-step work plan. First, identify a specific research goal and break it down into milestones. Second, break those milestones into yearly, half-yearly, or semester goals that take into account your workload and the need for relaxation. Finally, formulate weekly goals in detail and reserve specific times in your calendar for research.

By doing this, you can save on set-up costs because you'll already know in advance what you're going to do. Additionally, it's helpful to write down what you plan to do in the next research unit at the end of each session, so you can easily pick up where you left off.

Don't let a full calendar discourage you from achieving your research goals. With a concrete work plan, you can make the most of even the shortest blocks of time and move forward with your research.

Step 7: Block time for research in your calendar

Blocking time in your calendar for research tasks is a simple, yet elegant solution to achieving your research goals. By dedicating specific time slots to research, you can ensure that important tasks are not neglected or pushed aside due to less urgent matters. This practice also helps minimize distractions and interruptions that can disrupt your workflow. By managing your time effectively, you can allocate sufficient time to research and make progress towards your goals.

Moreover, holding yourself accountable for your allocated time slots can help you stay on track and maintain your focus. In conclusion, incorporating the habit of blocking time in your calendar for research tasks is a valuable tool for prioritizing, focusing, and making progress towards your research goals.

In conclusion, making time for research requires a deliberate and intentional approach. Start by evaluating whether research is a genuine priority for you, and if so, reflect on your "why" to stay motivated. Gain insight into how you spend your time, identify time wasters, and declutter your to-do list of low-impact tasks. Finally, establish routines in your workflow to conserve your energy and focus on your top priority: research. By following these steps, you can create more space for research in your life and make meaningful progress towards your goals. Remember, research is not just a job, but a passion that can help you make a difference in the world.


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