Highly productive scientists have different writing habits.
In this booklet, you'll find their strategies and best practices.

❌ Do you also feel the pressure to publish more in top journals?

❌ But somehow, writing just isn't going as smoothly as you'd like it to be?

❌ Your schedule is so packed with other tasks that there's no time left for research.

❌ But you see others doing it. They seem incredibly productive, churning out one paper after another.

❌ Wow, it would be amazing to finally know how they pull it off!

Follow the pros

✅ Develop better habits to make your writing more effective.

✅ No more stress because writing always gets cut short.

✅ So that you can submit and publish more papers.


I'm Christina, and as a fellow scientist, I understand the challenges of juggling research, writing, and publishing in top-tier journals.

That's why I'm on a mission to help busy scientists like you take your research to the next level.

I support you in writing faster and better academic papers, without sacrificing your evenings, family vacations, or holidays.